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PT BFI Finance Indonesia, Marketing, Surveyor, Kolektor, SMA, Diploma, Sarjana

PT BFI Finance Indonesia, Marketing, Surveyor, Kolektor, SMA, Diploma, Sarjana

Logo BFI Finance Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru - Loker - PT BFI Finance Indonesia established since 1982 is one of the major players in the business of finance companies in Indonesia with a focus on the financing of heavy equipment and motor vehicles. Need:

1. Marketing / Surveyor Mobil
2. Marketing / Surveyor Motor
3. Kolektor

  • Male, age maximum 28 years
  • Placement Batam or Tanjung Pinang (according domicile)
  • Minimum Education High School / D3 / S1 any discipline required to have a motor and SIM C / SIM A
  • Good looking, smart, attractive appearance
  • Computer literate minimal Word and Excel

Include the position and placement in the right corner of the envelope and send a cover letter, CV, ijazah, transcripts, copy of ID and driver's license, recent photograph 4x6 (2 sheets) to the address:

PT. BFI Finance Indonesia
Cabang Tanjung Pinang
Jl. DI. Panjaitan Km.8
Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau
email :
atau kantor cabang terdekat
Informasi: 0771 - 7335999

Read more previously jobs: Lowongan Kerja PT JMS Batam

Published on 29 November 2015
Due date 04 Desember 2015
Judul: PT BFI Finance Indonesia, Marketing, Surveyor, Kolektor, SMA, Diploma, Sarjana
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