Lowongan Kerja Terbaru - Loker - PT Petrus Indonesia We are an well established service and manufacturing company in Batam Centre. Currently we are looking for a few potential candidates to join our team:
- Male
- Minimum holding a Diploma in Technician
- Having at least 4 years experience as Mechanic
- Able to speak English
- Able to handle mechanical job (troubleshooting, general overhauling & hydraulic system)
- Good attitude
- Male
- Minimum holding a High School or STM Certificate
- Having minimum 5 years experience
- Good skill in machining (bubut)
- Must be able to operate manual milling machine
- Having good working attitude, responsible, and hard working
Interested applicants please write detail resume, indicating working experience, recent photograph and expected salary to:
PT. Petrus Indonesia
Citra Buana Industrial PArk III lot. 16
Jl. Engku Puteri - Batam Center
Source: http://www.lowongankerjaterbaruloker.com/2015/11/pt-petrus-indonesia-batam.html
Published on 09 November 2015
Due date 14 November 2015